Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The eventful life of a Granny!

Well... i am now being entertained full time by a Granny, made all the better by the fact she is my Granny and made awful by the fact i see so many similarities between us.... including the memory loss which is slightly depressing it has to be said!

So far she has forgotten to turn the oven off after cooking dinner (although then the next night i did the same...) Then she tried to answer the phone with the remote control to the TV which i still find highly amusing, and her latest trick was to fall asleep in front of the TV (as she does every night between 12 and 4am) and let her false teeth fall on to her chest which i for some reason found incredibly funny!

I never appreciated the entertainment qualities of living with a Granny!!! And have postponed or cancelled my trips to London and other places in order to take full advantage of this phenomenon! Altho i do fear for both her and my lives tonight as i am cooking dinner... The other night i put an aluminium thing in the microwave much to everyones horror (how was i meant to know that your not meant to do that?!) so who knows how many things could go wrong tonight!

Apart from all this excitement i am greatly enjoying the fact that i have broken up for the holidays whilst most havent... (mean streak comes through) am loving waking up at 11am at the earliest and am relishing the fact i have nothing to do!


Blogger D Baynham said...

I think you should get up early every morning and make your Grannie breakfast in bed, then do a 5 mile jog and have a nice quiet time, all before 9am.

Enjoy your Christmas break ;-)

5:50 pm  
Blogger Poverty to Prophet said...

So apart from the loose teeth and dodgy memory what other things do you have in common?

9:21 am  
Blogger timelord in the tardis said...

Teapot is always telling me off for leaving the oven on. I think it is the rush to eat what has been cooked that does it... for english blogger ask him when he is next in Essen for an all day of the English finest!!

3:09 pm  
Blogger Teapot said...

Well, I forgot where I put the car in Sutton the other day.............

Grandad's run out of hearing aid batteries, and discover they can't get any more till January, and so everyone has to shout!

They also talk a lot, and make people like Timelord fall fast asleep in the process! I have the proof on my mobile phone!
They also leave incredibly long messages on your answer phone,so they get cut off before the end, as they are still rambling on..........................

10:56 pm  

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