Tuesday, October 31, 2006

need sleep!

1 hours sleep last night and people still expecting me to go out tonight- i think not! Gave blood which is always good for making u feel good about urself! Getting up tomorrow at a ridiculous hour (7:30!) to go to edinborough for lax match.... which we are most likely going to loose as theyre amazing! hmmmm.... i feel this is all a bit negative!

Does anyone else find that living ina messy room/house puts you in a bad mood? But i just cant be bothered to tidy- i would make an amzing tramp!

Anyhow i am going to look for more productive things to do like sleeping and making myself coffee and chatting to people and generally being a lie about! How bad does that sound! really should start doing more....

computers have a mind of their own

why does it say i posted that at 1 something when its actually 9am something?? i dont get computers!

Y not?

Decided i will maybe give this whole blog thing a go, though makes me kinda uneasy knowing all kinds of people can see it...! My main motive is just so i can leave comments on other peoples... I am feeling it may be best to do this another time as i went to bed 2 hours ago and just had to get up for breakfast and am now off for a shower followed by a walk into town to give blood- i might aswel do something useful as i only start at 3 today! hectic hard day! 3 till 5! Off i go to fight the daily battle of pulling myself away from facebook to do something constructive.....